
A cybersecurity dataset sharing Platform.

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SCReeD Platform Overview

SCReeD is a platform purposefully designed for sharing cybersecurity research data, including, but not limited to cybersecurity datasets generated by CSCRC research projects. For sharing cyber-datasets, general-purpose dataset sharing platforms are not ideal, and often not suitable, due to many reasons, such as the data sensitivity, volume, complexity, and wide range of file formats and serialisations typical to cybersecurity research datasets; also they can be authentic, synthetic, or hybrid, with different potential applications. In addition, a variety of audiences should be considered when sharing cybersecurity datasets, and all these require different levels of access, whether for CSCRC partners, Australian researchers, Australian industry practitioners, 5 Eyes researchers, the EU, or the world, which makes access control crucial in this application—compared to having only the option to share datasets with the general public, which is what many general-purpose/domain-independent dataset sharing platforms focus on.

The data captured in cybersecurity research datasets can be beneficial not only to the academic community, but also the industry in terms of adding new functionalities to, and test existing capabilities of, software tools; evaluating analytic performance of tools; assessing IT infrastructures’ vulnerability; identifying new types of cyberthreats, etc.

SCReeD defines standards for sharing cybersecurity datasets, provides guidelines for users so that the metadata to capture for cybersecurity datasets is streamlined, including technical and legal considerations, without the need for the uploader to be an expert in data sharing.

SCReeD Dataset Uploading Guidelines 

The guidelines are provided for SCReeD users regarding dataset uploading, ensuring a systematic approach and inclusion of all relevant metadata.

Before Uploading

Before uploading, users need to do following steps.

(Note: Metadata for the uploaded datasets on SCReeD platform is available here)

The Uploading Process

Once you are done its time to upload the dataset. To upload the datasets, there are two methods, user can follow either of them.

Method 1:

To upload data with method 1, users need to do following steps:

Method 2:

To upload data with method 2, users need to do following steps:

How to download GitHub Sample repository

How to create a GitHub repository to host a dataset